The Awards of the European Industrial Pharmacists Group


At the Bureau Meeting on 20th July, 2015, the Bureau resolved to introduce the EIPG Awards described hereunder.

EIPG Past Presidents Award

The EIPG Past Presidents Award is intended to recognize the leadership and time commitments of the Presidents of EIPG. It is awarded to a Past President subsequent to his/her term/s of office as President.

The award of the EIPG Past Presidents Award is approved by the Bureau at a meeting at least three months prior to the General Assembly.

EIPG Outstanding Service Award

The EIPG Outstanding Service Award is intended to recognise elected members of the Bureau other than the President who have rendered exceptional service to EIPG. It may be awarded to any elected member of the Bureau, other than the President, subsequent to his/her term/s of office.

The EIPG Outstanding Service Award is awarded on an ad hoc basis. Nominations for the award may be submitted by any current elected member of the Bureau not later than the 1st January of the year in which the award is to be made, and shall outline the contributions of the candidate to EIPG during his/her term/s of office. A person who is currently serving as an elected member of the Bureau is not eligible to be nominated for the award. The Bureau shall consider all nominations and reach a final decision at a meeting at least three months prior to the General Assembly. Unsuccessful nominees may not be re-nominated.

EIPG President’s Award

The EIPG President’s Award is intended to recognise associations and individuals, other than the President or other elected members of the Bureau, that have rendered a special service to EIPG during the year immediately preceding a General Assembly.

The EIPG President’s Award is awarded on an ad hoc basis. Nominations for the award may be submitted by any current elected member of the Bureau not later than one month prior to the General Assembly which the award is to be made, and shall outline the contributions of the candidate to EIPG during the year. A person who is currently serving as an elected member of the Bureau is not eligible to be nominated for the award. The Bureau shall consider all nominations and reach a final decision at a meeting immediately before the General Assembly.

EIPG Fellow

The purpose of this award is to recognise individuals who have exhibited strong leadership internationally, have distinguished themselves in the pharmaceutical sciences and/or practice of industrial pharmacy, who have contributed to the advancement of the pharmaceutical sciences and/or practice of industrial pharmacy, and who have served EIPG.

The award is on an ad hoc basis. Nominations for the award may be submitted by any member of the Bureau or by any EIPG Full Member not later than the 1st January of the year in which the award is to be made. At the time of nomination, the nominee should be a person who has been a delegate to the General Assembly of EIPG and/or an elected member of the Bureau for at least five consecutive years. The nomination should contain the curriculum vita of the candidate, and a statement of the reasons why the candidate has been nominated including international leadership, distinction in the industrial pharmacy profession and/or the pharmaceutical sciences, contribution to the advancement of industrial pharmacy and/or the pharmaceutical sciences, and service to EIPG. A person who is currently serving as an elected member of the Bureau may be nominated for the award.

The Bureau shall appoint a Committee that will review the nominations and make recommendations to the Bureau. The Committee shall develop and use an objective, criteria-based system for evaluating nominations to ensure consistency and fairness over time. The system is subject to the approval of the Bureau. The Bureau shall consider the recommendations of the Committee and reach a final decision at least three months prior to the General Assembly. A maximum of three such awards may be approved annually. Unsuccessful candidates may be re-nominated, providing all criteria are met at the time of re-nomination.

EIPG Fellows may use the designation “FEIPG”. An EIPG Fellow may continue to use the designation even after his/her association with EIPG has ended.

EIPG Emerging Industrial Pharmacist Award

The purpose of this award is to recognise significant intellectual contributions by emerging industrial pharmacists within EIPG that promote state of the art in industrial pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences.

The award is on an ad hoc basis. Nominations for the award may be submitted by any EIPG Full Member not later than the 1st January of the year in which the award is to be made. At the time of nomination, the nominee should be a person who is within 10 years of having started a career in industrial pharmacy, and is a member of the Full Member submitting the nomination. The nomination should contain the curriculum vita of the candidate, a statement of the reasons why the candidate has been nominated, and a scientific article by the nominee describing a significant innovation, or innovative bright idea, which has the potential for application within the pharmaceutical industry.

The Bureau shall appoint a Committee that will review the nominations and make recommendations to the Bureau. The Committee shall develop and use an objective, criteria-based system for evaluating nominations to ensure consistency and fairness over time. The system is subject to the approval of the Bureau. The Bureau shall consider the recommendations of the Committee and reach a final decision at least three months prior to the General Assembly. The winning article will be published in the journal of EIPG.

Conferment of Award

Recipients of the EIPG Past Presidents Award, EIPG Outstanding Service Award and EIPG Fellowship shall be presented with a commemorative badge and certificate. Recipients of the EIPG President’s Award and the EIPG Emerging Industrial Pharmacist Award shall be presented with a commemorative certificate. The President will present the award during the General Assembly subsequent to the approval of the award by the Bureau. If this is not possible, the President, or a person empowered by him/her, may make the award on another appropriate occasion. Alternatively, the recipient of the award may nominate someone else to receive the award during the General Assembly on his/her behalf.