Guides and Codes

EIPG code of practice for Qualified Persons 2020

The EIPG Code of Practice for Qualified Persons has been conceived with the aim of offering an updated view of the legal and technical requirements pertaining to the position of the Qualified Person (QP) in Europe.

The added value of this document is represented by the comments and recommendations which have been added to each requirement, taking into account the practical experience of many European industrial pharmacists in their role of QPs.

It is the scope of this document to provide a living Code of Practice by ensuring a constant updating as a consequence of the introduction of new European requirements pertaining to the QP and considering the possible integration of new comments based on the contributions of EIPG members.

Transport of health care products under controlled temperatures

The Conseil Central B of the Ordre National des Pharmaciens has published its “Recommendations concerning the transport of health care products under controlled temperature (5°C +/- 3°C)”. An English translation of the document is available on the EIPG website.

EIPG Guidelines on Good Distribution Practices of Medicinal Products

The General Assembly of the European Industrial Pharmacists Group held in Riga on the 18th of April 2009 discussed draft guidelines on GDP of medicinal products. The final document was first released in 2009, and subsequently updated in 2010 to reflect changes in the WHO guide to good distribution practices.

EIPG Guide to Continuous Professional Development for Regulatory Affairs

The General Assembly of the European Industrial Pharmacists Group held in Riga on the 18th of April 2009 discussed draft guidelines on CPD for Regulatory Affairs prepared by Regulatory Affairs members from France, Germany and Britain. The final document has been released.

Guide to Good Regulatory Practice

The General Assembly of the European Industrial Pharmacists Group held in Malta on 18th of April 2008 ratified the publication of an updated Guide to Good Regulatory Practice.

EIPG Guidance on Continuing Professional Development for Qualified Persons

During the 2007 General Assembly in Prague, the Working Group on Qualified Person matters presented the final version of a document regarding Guidance on Continuing Professional Development for Qualified Persons. The document was approved by the General Assembly, and is proposed by EIPG as a guide for all Qualified Persons, Technical Directors and other Responsible Persons.

EIPG Code of Practice for Qualified Persons

The Code of Practice for Qualified Persons is one of the first codes issued by EIPG.