E.I.P.G. European Industrial Pharmacists Group

E.I.P.G. is a European association representing the national, professional organisations of pharmacists employed in the pharmaceutical or allied industries of the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area, or European countries having a mutual recognition agreement with the European Union on compliance control of regulated medicines.

Its foundation dates back to 1966 and, over the years, it has progressed in its activities in line with the evolution of the European Union.

EIPG is a professional association registered in France as a non-profit organization, complying with French law.

Today, EIPG represents about 10,000 pharmacists working in the European pharmaceutical and allied industries.

EIPG is registered in the EU Transparency Register of the European Commission and is on the list of eligible industry stakeholder organizations recognized by EMA.

How is EIPG structured and operated?

An elected “Bureau” or management committee coordinates all activities. The election of the Bureau members takes place every three years during an annual general assembly at which all Member State delegations are present.
The “Bureau” consists of:

  • The President of EIPG
  • The Vice Presidents
  • The Treasurer

The General Assembly (GA) is held every year in different Member countries in rotation. The GA is the business meeting, which decides policies and strategies as agreed with the delegations. It may also form different working parties to deal with priority items such as education, employment of pharmacists etc.

What does EIPG do?

The association is recognized within the EU as one which collectively represents the European view of all industrial pharmacists in the EU. This is an important principle when consulting with or offering views and opinions to European Union institutions and regulatory bodies.

The association maintains contacts with the European Commission and meetings with their representatives are regularly organized.
EIPG is also in contact with the representatives of EMEA and is one of the Interested Parties with whom the agency may communicate and discuss matters of interest.

The issue of codes and guidances is among the scope of EIPG. In 2020 EIPG published a new and expanded version of its Code of Practice for Qualified Persons to offer an updated view of the legal and technical requirements for the position of the Qualified Person (QP) in Europe.

Based on the activity of its working groups, EIPG prepares position papers on specific topics of interest for industrial pharmacists.

Focusing on the educational issue, in 2023 EIPG published a new version of its concept paper to raise awareness of the changing requirements in the professional profile of Industrial Pharmacists.

A newsletter covering current topics about R&D, production, regulatory and business features of the pharmaceutical world is regularly issued and sent to its members.

How is EIPG financed?

EIPG is a financially independent and non-profit organization based on the contribution of the national associations of the Member States joining EIPG.

How can an industrial pharmacist join EIPG?

The membership of EIPG is constituted of the Member States’ national association/s representing industrial pharmacists. Individual pharmacists from the EIPG’s Member States are encouraged to contact their national representative. Individual pharmacists from non-Member States should consult with their national association to establish a contact with the EIPG, which is always ready to welcome eligible associations into its membership


The membership of EIPG is constituted of the Member States’ national association representing industrial pharmacists. Individual pharmacists from the EIPG’s Member States are encouraged to contact their national representative. Individual pharmacists from non-Member States should consult with their national association to establish a contact with the EIPG, which is always ready to welcome eligible associations into its membership.

The main objective of EIPG is to promote and uphold the importance and role of the industrial pharmacist within the pharmaceutical industry.

This objective is achieved by implementing the following main actions:

  • To maintain a contact network with all member associations of industrial pharmacists
  • To work closely with the delegates nominated by the member associations of industrial pharmacists to promote shared positions in the EU context
  • To maintain regular contact with the r European professional associations representing community and hospital pharmacists for discussing issues of common interest
  • To maintain regular contact with the other European professional and trade associations which have a significant role in the pharmaceutical industry world
  • To interact with regulatory institutions taking position on matters of interest for the industrial pharmacist influencing the issue of regulations and guidances

In a wider context, EIPG promotes the continued successful development of the pharmaceutical industry in the EU, and the maintenance of high standards throughout the Research and Development, Manufacture, Marketing and Distribution stages of medicinal products. It strongly endorses the role of the European Pharmaceutical industry in improving public health and animal welfare. It is concerned that high professional and ethical standards are maintained by the industry at all times.

From time to time EIPG may liaise with other organizations such as FIP and WHO at an international level.

EIPG is registered in the EU Transparency Register with public ID number 979567925318-36.