Virtual Symposium: The Post-COVID Era and Pharmacy

As we all know the world has been ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic which has affected many lives and unfortunately cost many lives. Although dreadful and harrowing, the pandemic has revealed an unprecedented level of collaborations between Scientists, Industry and Regulators. We have witnessed enormous advances in medicines and vaccines development, clinical trials design and regulatory flexibility. which has helped to put new vaccines on the market in less than 13 months, a number of repurposed medicines to treat COVID-19 and the implementation of one the largest vaccination programmes the world has ever witnessed en masse.

As a result of these outcomes, EIPG believes that the lessons learned from COVID-19 should define our future as Pharmacists in that we should leverage best practice. As a result we have developed an informative symposium to discuss these lessons and what the future will hold and more importantly how pharmacists can shape the future in a post-COVID Era.

This is an event for members of EIPG member organisations. Contact your national association EIPG representative for further information or confirm your participation through this form.

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