General Assembly 2022: Bureau elections

At the General Assembly held on October 15-16 in Athens, voting took place for the positions of EIPG President and Vice-President of Technical and Professional Development.

The delegates present at this annual meeting elected Piero Iamartino as President for the next three-year mandate. Rebecca Stanbrook was elected to the position of Vice-President of Technical and Professional Development. Brigitte Saunier completed her term of office as Treasurer and was thanked for her valuable support. Maurizio Battistini, Vice-President of European Affairs will act as EIPG Treasurer until the next General Assembly.

Claude Farrugia who has been President for two mandates and previously Vice -President of Communications was warmly thanked for his significant contribution to the progress EIPG has made in recent years as a reputable professional association recognised by the European Health Authorities.

The new President together with the current Vice-Presidents highlighted their main strategic objectives confirming their full commitment to developing and promoting the position of the industrial pharmacist in Europe.

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