Webinar: PBPK Modelling and Simulation – A valuable tool for Pharmaceutical Development

Over the last 20 years Physiologically – Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modelling and Simulation has developed and is now used extensively within Discovery and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Its adoption has been driven by the availability of commercial software platforms and a realisation of the benefits to be gained including the potential to reduce the number of in vivo studies performed. 

In EIPG’s and PIER’s next webinar, to be held on 21st October 2021 (17.00 CEST), Jonathan Brown will cover an introduction to PBPK modelling, what it is and how it can be applied to support Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) development. It will provide an overview of usage in oral, small molecule development, supported by examples from the areas of biopharmaceutics and formulation development. Current and potential future applications of PBPK modelling in Quality and Regulatory fields will also be discussed.

This is an event for members of EIPG member organisations. Contact your national association EIPG representative for further information.

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